people you need on your team

5 People You Need on Your Team

It’s a big deal when you finally decide to stop being a “SOLO”preneur. While you may still be the only full time person in your …

getting booked as a speaker

Get More Speaking Engagements With These 35 Expert Tips

I remember when I first launched my coaching business. I understood the importance of building my reputation around the skills I was coaching . A …

tools to manage virtual teams

12 Tools You Need To Manage Your Virtual Teams

You’ve finally decided you are going to delegating more work. You’ve searched for and found your first virtual assistant. You know exactly what project or …

Fight Perfectionism and Conquer Delegating

How to Fight Perfectionism and Conquer Delegating

Are you finally ready to fight perfectionism and conquer delegating?  Congratulations and welcome to Perfectionists Anonymous! This is the place to go when you know …

How to Hire a Social Media Manager - rectangle

How Do You Hire a Social Media Manager?

Facebook and Twitter and Linkedin, Oh MY! Hiring a social media manager can be almost as intimidating as social media itself. From basic posting to …

5 Project Management Programs Comparison

Growing our businesses means growing our tools and a key tool in every growing business is the project management system. Whether you are a solopreneur …

automate your coaching business

5 Ways to Automate your Coaching Business

Automation is vital to growing your coaching business. In fact, it’s vital for any successful business. By simply having some of your smaller day-to-day tasks …

What are reasonable expectations when working with a VA? How is working with a virtual assistant different than an employee? Get some tips here.

What to Expect When Working With a VA

One of the challenges to delegation is the big unknown. If you are wondering what to expect when working with a VA, here are a …