Online Business Manager for Coaches

Why an Online Business Manager For Coaches is the Secret to a Successful Coaching Business

As a coach, you know how important it is to focus on your clients and their needs. But running a coaching business involves much more …

Full time employee vs virtual assistant

Full Time Employee VS Virtual Assistant Cost Comparison

Is your business starting to grow? Are you finding yourself in a position where you need help managing all of your tasks and projects? You …


A Day In The Life Of: The Procrastinator And Her Ineffective Virtual Assistant

By Nicole BandesFounder, CEO of Virtual A TeamRead more by NicoleAre you a procrastinator? If so, it’s ok. We’re here to help you ensure that …

choose the right online business manager

How To Choose The Right Online Business Manager For You

By Staff WriterAre you thinking about working with an Online Business Manager but you aren’t sure what it’s all about? A little planning and understanding …

Hire your first freelancer

Hire your first freelancer: when is it time?

Do you want to be more productive, enjoy your work more, make more money and have a bigger impact on the world? Believe it or …

How to Classify Independent Contractors and Why It Matters

Traci ScherckGuest AuthorFounder and CEO of Scherck Consulting.As a business owner, do you understand the difference between an independent contractor and an employee?  You may …

The Best Ways to Thank Your Virtual Assistant

Staff WriterAnts are typically viewed as pests. They bite, crawl and consume any bit of food that has been left out for too long.  We …