Honoring Our Soldiers

Today, I’d like to take a break from business topics and share a little about something that means a lot to me and the team here at Virtual A Team. And that is our troops. May is Military Appreciation Month in the United States. It includes Memorial Day (last Monday of May), Military Spouse Appreciation Day (the Friday before Mother’s Day) and Armed Forces Day (third Saturday of May).

Memorial Day

Memorial Day (as opposed to Veteran’s Day) is the day in which we remember those who died while serving in our country’s armed forces. The practice of decorating the graves of fallen soldiers has been around for centuries. In the US, Annual Decoration Days started around the time of the Civil War in areas of the American South.

In 1968, Congress changed the date of Memorial Day and 3 additional holidays to always be observed on Mondays, thus, the three day weekend was born.

Take a moment this year to pause from your annual summer kickoff party to remember those who have given their lives for the opportunity for you to have your burgers and potato salad by the pool.

If you would like to read more about the history of Memorial Day, please visit here.

Military Spouse Appreciation Day

In May 1984, President Ronald Reagan recognized the significance of military spouses and the roles they play in the lives of our soldiers. The sacrifice they make is often under-appreciated. We would like to personally thank all of the military spouses for all they do for our soldiers.

Armed Forces Day

While Memorial Day honors those who have fallen and Veteran’s Day honors those who have served, Armed Forces Day honors those who are currently serving in one of the five branches of the U.S. Military. These branches include Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force and Coast Guard. It was created in 1949 to combine separate celebration days for the Army, Navy and Air Force.

Thanks for the history lesson, Nicole, but how does this relate to Virtual A Team?

I’m an Army Mom. My son is currently serving in the United States Army. I’m also a proud member of the Blue Star Mother’s of America and happily donate a portion of the profits from Virtual A Team to support this organization and their efforts to support our soldiers and veterans.

Virtual A Team also actively seeks to hire military spouses and veterans whenever possible.

We are proud of our troops and the freedoms they provide us to build and grow our dreams here at home.

Thank you,

Nicole Bandes
Proud Army Mom

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