Network on Instagram

How to Network on Instagram

If you haven’t been under a rock lately, someone has probably told you that you should network on Instagram. The digital world is bigger and …

facebook groups for coaching business

How to use Facebook Groups to Grow Your Coaching Business

You have heard that Facebook is not all about watching cat videos and stalking your exes. Word on the street points to it as the …

people you need on your team

5 People You Need on Your Team

It’s a big deal when you finally decide to stop being a “SOLO”preneur. While you may still be the only full time person in your …

getting booked as a speaker

Get More Speaking Engagements With These 35 Expert Tips

I remember when I first launched my coaching business. I understood the importance of building my reputation around the skills I was coaching . A …

Market your Event - 9 Awesome Strategies

How to Market Your Event: 9 Awesome Strategies

You’ve decided to host a live event. You’ve put in a lot of time and energy to craft an awesome experience and now it’s time …

How to Hire a Social Media Manager - rectangle

How Do You Hire a Social Media Manager?

Facebook and Twitter and Linkedin, Oh MY! Hiring a social media manager can be almost as intimidating as social media itself. From basic posting to …

I Have a Lead Magnet, Now What?

A lead magnet is a great way to advertise your business. With a good freebie, you’ll have piles of contacts just waiting for you to …

stock photos for marketing

Using Stock Photos for Marketing?

Using Stock Photos for Marketing? In my early days of business, I was uneducated about using stock photos and grabbed an image off Google for …