If You Want to be More Creative, Create a Routine

Are you struggling with setting goals? On this flight of Coach’s Co-Pilot, smash through the barriers and take flight with host Nicole Bandes and Kricket …

set up online course

How to Set Up Your Online Course

There comes a time for many coaches and speakers when they want to leverage their time more effectively. For some, that means creating an online …

getting booked as a speaker

Get More Speaking Engagements With These 35 Expert Tips

I remember when I first launched my coaching business. I understood the importance of building my reputation around the skills I was coaching . A …

Market your Event - 9 Awesome Strategies

How to Market Your Event: 9 Awesome Strategies

You’ve decided to host a live event. You’ve put in a lot of time and energy to craft an awesome experience and now it’s time …