make money as a coach

7 Time-Tested Ways To Make Money as a Coach

By Staff WriterEveryone thought you were crazy when you said you wanted to be a coach. “You can’t make money as a coach! How will …

boost attendance

5 Fantastic Ways To Boost Attendance For Coaching Programs

By Staff Writer  As a coach or consultant, you most likely create programs designed to draw in new and returning clients. Whether designed for groups or …

7 Things You Need to Get People to Register for your Online Course

If you have great online courses or group coaching programs but don’t know how to get people there, then this is for you! Learn the …

How to Avoid Overwhelm When Launching Your Online Course

How To Avoid Overwhelm When Launching Your Online Course

By Staff WriterOne of the best ways to showcase your expertise is to run an online course. The days when you could simply promise your …

set up online course

How to Set Up Your Online Course

There comes a time for many coaches and speakers when they want to leverage their time more effectively. For some, that means creating an online …