Have you considered clockworking your business? In today's flight of Coach's Copilot, our host Nicole Bandes takes us on a solo flight on the first installment of Virtual A Team's first month of going through the Run Like Clockwork Accelerator program. Once a month, Nicole will be giving some insight on some things she has taken away personally from the program, some things the team has taken away, and what we at Virtual A Team started implementing this month. Are you ready for this journey with us? Grab your Passport to Success, fasten those seatbelts, sit back and relax - you will NOT want to miss this flight!
Key Takeaways from this Episode:
- Time tracking and why it is so important.
- How Virtual A Team shifted the mindset to bring on this new quarterly data collection.
- Coming up next - the Queen Bee Role and the 4 T's!
About Our Pilot:
Connect with Nicole
In-Flight Snacks:
- Run Like Clockwork by Mike Michalowicz
- Run Like Clockwork Podcast
- Episode 21: It's 4D time tracking week!
- Episode 22: How to get the most out of your time tracking
- Run Like Clockwork Accelerator
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