[Video] It’s a Solopreneur’s Life- Ep 13- Solo Doesn’t Mean Isolation

Feeling isolated and alone? One of the common challenges for solopreneurs is working from home without anyone to bounce ideas or even just have water cooler conversations. Hear some great tips on staying social from Kay Miller .

Tips from Kay:

  1. I like to work out in the morning to keep my energy throughout the day
  2. I love having my dog around all day!
  3. Sometimes you just need to get up and take a walk around the block
  4. Go to Starbucks! Get a change of scenery!
  5. Look for MeetUp Groups. Try to plan something to look forward to every couple days.
  6. Get up and get ready.  Put on make up and get dressed for something that day.
  7. Find groups and use products like Zoom so you can see those faces and connect with them.

Check out these groups recommended by Kay:

Business Professional Women

Business Among Moms


You can learn more about Steve Miller’s book Uncopyable and don’t forget to check out all the FREE STUFF he offers on his website.

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