Have you decided that it's time to hire out, but drawing a blank on where, or how, to start? In today's flight of Coach's Copilot, our host Nicole Bandes takes us on a solo flight on the topic of hiring. Nicole covers Virtual Assistants, Online Business Managers, and the benefits - and sometimes downfalls - of each. Since starting Virtual A Team, Nicole has had her fair share of hiring and offers some insider tips on how she has grown her team to have some fantastic Virtual Assistants to keep clients happy. Need some insight on your next steps to hiring out? Grab your Passport to Success, fasten those seatbelts, sit back and relax - you will NOT want to miss this flight!
Key Takeaways from this Episode:
- Why NOT to listen to your first instinct - reaching out to friends on Facebook.
- Some differences between a Virtual Assistant and Online Business Manager.
- Nicole covers some stand-out tips and suggestions to make the hiring process a breeze.
About Our Pilot:

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In Flight Snacks:
Have you ever wondered if you could afford to start outsourcing? Oh sure, delegating frees up some of your time, but is it actually in the budget? Now you can find out with our Outsourcing Calculator!
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