By Staff Writer
Have you ever listened to the chimes of an old grandfather clock? These chimes alert us to the passing hours in the day and elicit a sense of excitement as our favorite holidays approach. Whether it’s Christmas, New Years Day or Thanksgiving, it’s heart-warming to hear that clock chime to let us know that the holiday is almost here!
Family-time is pivotal during any holiday. Every other day in the year tends to be filled with work and other life demands that quality family time is non-existent. So, you want to use as much of the holidays as possible to appreciate and love your family. Depending on the holiday, you’ll have relatives traveling from near and far. Getting your house in order is keeping you on your toes! Cleaning, organizing, cooking, gift wrapping...the whole works!
Great thrill can be found in preparing for and enjoying the holidays with your family. However, this thrill can often be overwhelming, especially when you’re hosting guests. There seems to be no time available to work on your business. Sure, the holiday season should really be your downtime; a vacation from work. The reality is, however, that a solopreneur doesn’t have the luxury of taking long breaks from work. This is particularly true during the early stages of business.
How can you remain productive at the height of any holiday season? Prepare. Reflect. Deliver.
Pro Tip
Use a scheduling tool, like Calendly to schedule out the weeks leading up to the holidays
While you’re caught up in the flurry of preparing your home and family for the holidays, don’t forget that you also need to prepare yourself to complete client work during the holidays. Preparation depends heavily on time management. Here are some tips to help you effectively prepare and better manage your time:
- Plan holiday shopping for weeks before the holiday season. Spreading your shopping over a few weeks will help you beat the holiday rush and the inevitable outcome of hours being spent wandering around for the perfect gift.
- Don’t overcommit. You may need to accept projects so that you can keep your finances afloat during the holiday season. However, don’t take on more projects than you can handle given the time constraints.
- Use your downtime wisely. You may need to stay up later than usual so that you can get some work done while everyone else is asleep.
- Automate processes as much as possible. For instance, you can schedule blog posts and social media advertisements. Getting as much done as possible before the holidays is wise.
- Plan for some me-time. Your body needs some time to rest and re-energise so it’s important to plan some time to do what makes you happy and relaxed.
The holidays are a good time for reflection and evaluation, especially the holidays that are at the end of the year such as New Year’s Eve. This period of reflection should include looking back at your company’s growth over the past year and creating a growth plan for the upcoming year. It’s important to look back at where you’ve come from so that you can now how to prepare the way forward.
There are many demands for your time and attention during the holidays. You love being with your family and experiencing the joy of the holidays, but it can become overwhelming. The pressure is even greater when you have work to complete for clients. The good news is that you can do it. Be positive about your ability to deliver; don’t complain, just do. You’ll be surprised by how much you’re able to accomplish when you adopt a more positive mindset.
Putting It All Together
Being productive during the holidays can be difficult. You want to be a part of the fun but have to ensure that your business continues to grow. Take a deep breath and say this slowly, “You can do this!” Prepare in advance by making good use of the time before the holidays. Use the time to reflect and create a growth plan. Always remember that you can accomplish anything once you believe in yourself and think positively.
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