Guest Blogging

Thanks for your interest in guest posting on! We love to feature guest posters on our site.

Do you have a great topic that would benefit coaches, speakers, and other service-based entrepreneurs looking to build an online business?

Topics might hit on one or more of these specific life areas:

  • Online courses
  • Speaking
  • Public relations
  • Email marketing
  • Social media marketing
  • Systems
  • Tools
  • Video marketing
  • Time management
  • Delegating/working with freelancers

Before submitting your post for consideration, please note the following guidelines:

  • ALL articles should be relevant to the target audience.
  • Please take a moment to check out our content for the type of posts we publish.
  • Submission of your post does not guarantee publication. Your submission will be reviewed and, if it will benefit our readers, there is a good chance it will be published
  • Our site is focused on strong take aways for our audience.  Guest posts should offer quick practical tips, advice, or ideas. Things that can be implemented right away will be given top priority.
  • Preference will be given to those who demonstrate a genuine interest in Virtual A Team as a reader or social media follower.
  • Submissions with a “visit my site” or “check out my product” type feel will not be accepted. Links within the text must add real value that can't otherwise be shared within the text.
  • Posts must be high-quality content.
  • Posts that are between 1500 to 2000 words will be given preference.
  • Use of bullets, lists, headers, and short paragraphs is highly encouraged as it makes reading much easier.
  • One or more images may be included to improve the quality of the post.
  • Please do not email your submission in HTML format or in a Word or text document. Simply type your post in your email and attach relevant images to the email (if applicable).
  • Please make a concerted effort to use correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Due to time constraints, submissions which require excessive editing cannot be accepted.
  • Minor editing may be made to your post at the discretion of
  • The title of your post may be changed to be more appropriate and appealing to our audience.
  • Include a short bio (120 words or less) at the end of your post. Feel free to include a link to your site.

We appreciate your interest in contributing to our site. Due to the number of submissions and the expectations of our readers, we have established these specific guidelines.

If your guest post is accepted, it usually takes between one to three months for your guest post to be published. We will notify you as soon as possible if your post was accepted. We may or may not offer suggestions for modification. Posts that clearly do not follow the above guidelines will not receive a response from us.

If you submit a query (i.e. an idea for a guest post as opposed to a guest post submission in full), we will review it within two to three weeks and contact you IF it is a good fit. Due to the vast number received, queries that are not a good fit will not receive a response.

We often hold guest posts until a specific theme week where the post will get the most traction. This means your post may not be published for several months. Under these circumstances, we will notify you.

If you would like to submit your guest post for review, please complete the form below.