More Than One Way to Win with David Hepburn Jr.

Do you know if you are a Winner or a Learner? For this month's "More Than One Way to Win" special episode on Coach's Copilot, get your passport to success ready as we travel to another redefined meaning of Success and Winning. Join our host Nicole Bandes as she flies with coach and mentor David Hepburn Jr., a seasoned expert of over 2 decades, and Nicole's first business coach. Nicole and David discuss the impact of shifting the mindset to a new definition of winning.

Key Takeaways from this Episode:

  • What sort of impact the pandemic has had on the coaching industry.
  • David shares what success and winning means to him, the new age mindset shift, and the challenges of the old ways of thinking of success.
  • The Great Resignation and how thinking neutral influences it.

About Our Flight Crew:

David Hepburn Jr has been coaching and mentoring since 1999. His expertise is in helping business owners and sales people transform their business by identifying what's holding them back, breaking through that challenge, and then showing them how to create a Magnetic Marketing Platform that creates results. David currently runs 5 Group Zoom calls per week and has 4 one-on-one clients that he meets with. Even though he works less than 30 hours a week in his business, he still considers himself successful.

Connect with David Hepburn Jr.


In Flight Snacks:

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Coach's Copilot: Your Online Business Manager Podcast
Coach's Copilot: Your Online Business Manager Podcast
Virtual A Team

Are you struggling to build a successful coaching business without burning the candle at both ends? Do you wish you had a copilot or business manager that could help you handle the details so you could focus on the things that only you can do? On this show, Nicole Bandes and her team of experts will serve as your coaching copilots. We will share tips, tricks, and strategies that focus on marketing, outsourcing, productivity, and more! Whether your goal is to grow your business, have a business that’s built around your life, or both; Coach’s Copilot: Your Online Business Manager Podcast will help you manage the details to make it happen.

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