Are you needing to reduce decision fatigue? Welcome to our Delegate Smarter series! In today's flight of Coach's Copilot, our host Nicole Bandes takes us on a solo flight on the first installment of the series - Decision Fatigue. During this series, Nicole will be giving key tips and strategies to assist you in delegating smarter. Are you ready for this journey with us? Grab your Passport to Success, fasten those seatbelts, sit back and relax - you will NOT want to miss this flight!
Key Takeaways from this Episode:
- Do you know the average number of decisions a person makes within a single day?
- Mistakes come in when there's decision fatigue - and here's how.
- How to overcome the slippery slope of decision fatigue!
About Our Pilot:

Connect with Nicole
In-Flight Snacks:
- Ready to Delegate Smarter? Join us for our Delegate Smarter Bootcamp!
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