Combat Boots to Entrepreneur: You Actually Can Turn a Hobby into a Business with Thomas Macarle

Have you ever considered turning your hobby, such as photography or video editing, into a career? Welcome to the next installment of our Combat Boots to Entrepreneur series - Virtual A Team is a big supporter of our members in the military community. For the month of November, we will highlight a military veteran turned entrepreneur in each episode. In today's episode of Coach's Copilot, our host Nicole Bandes is joined in flight by Army veteran and freelance video editor, Tom Macarle. Tom is proving that it is possibly to have your hobby and make money doing it. Ready to learn how it's possible? - get your ticket, fasten those seatbelts, sit back, and relax as Nicole and Tom share tips and tricks, and definitely some laughs, on how you can benefit from bringing more of your hobby into your business.

Key Takeaways from this Episode:

  • How Tom transitioned from the military to the digital arts world.
  • Wait - you actually can monetize from things like YouTube!?
  • What it was like for Tom in the military.

About Our Flight Crew:

Tom Macarle is a recent-made-veteran with years of video experience, to include classes through the military to support his hobby made freelance career. During his career in the military, he created a video editing class to be taught to Iraqi soldiers during his deployment. Tom is now a professional video editor with multiple clients making a freelance career doing what he loves!
Tom also has a joy for technology such as 3D Printing and Virtual Reality. Not only is he Nicole's son, he recently joined us here at Virtual A Team to further his hobby turned career and further hone in his skills.

Connect with Tom Macarle




In-Flight Snacks:

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Coach's Copilot: Your Online Business Manager Podcast
Coach's Copilot: Your Online Business Manager Podcast
Virtual A Team

Are you struggling to build a successful coaching business without burning the candle at both ends? Do you wish you had a copilot or business manager that could help you handle the details so you could focus on the things that only you can do? On this show, Nicole Bandes and her team of experts will serve as your coaching copilots. We will share tips, tricks, and strategies that focus on marketing, outsourcing, productivity, and more! Whether your goal is to grow your business, have a business that’s built around your life, or both; Coach’s Copilot: Your Online Business Manager Podcast will help you manage the details to make it happen.

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