
Coach's Copilot Guest Intake Form

Thank you for your interest in being a guest on Coach's Copilot! Before you make the choice to fill out the form, here's a little more about the show.

What's the Show About?

Are you struggling to build a successful coaching business without burning the candle at both ends? Do you wish you had a copilot or business manager that could help you handle the details so you could focus on the things that only you can do?

On this show, Nicole Bandes, her team of experts, and guests will serve as your coaching copilots. We will share tips, tricks, and strategies that focus on marketing, outsourcing, productivity, and more!  Whether your goal is to grow your business, have a business that’s built around your life, or both; Coach’s Copilot: Your Online Business Manager Podcast will help you manage the details to make it happen.

Stuff You Should Know

The goal with our episodes is to provide actionable tips and strategies in less than 30 minutes.

What we focus on:

  • Business building strategies
  • Productivity (personal and business)
  • Outsourcing and delegating
  • More than One Way to Win - The traditional definition of success means working more hours and harder but not everyone defines success this way. These episodes are stories of how people have found success in their lives working less instead of more.

Not for us:

We receive a lot of applications from "mindset coaches". While mindset is important in building a successful business, we approach it as one part of an overall strategy and not as a stand alone topic. Therefore, we may have an episode that talks about how to generate more money from your coaching business but we won't do a topic titled, "how to improve your money mindset".

Be aware:

If your topic is not specific or is a duplicate of other recent content without a unique twist, we will not consider your application for review. If you post more than one topic per application, we will not consider your application. We want you to be an expert and passionate about what you offer.

Still here? If you are interested in being a guest on the show, please fill out the form here.