How Many Hours Does Website Security and Maintenance Take?

Your website is the heart of your business. If it ever gets hacked or goes down, you'll be spending a great deal of money getting it restored. Instead, you can ensure that it is backed up and secure with monthly maintenance. Here are some guidelines to help you plan for the amount of time we would need for this routine task.


    30 minutes per month*

    2x per month - website backed up.

    Backups and Maintenance

    2 to 4 hours per month*

    2x per month - website backed up.

    Weekly - themes and plugins will be updated.

    Minor corrections to text as needed.

    Full Website Security

    5 to 7 hours per month*

    Weekly, website will be backed up.

    Weekly - themes and plugins will be updated

    Monthly - Clean junk data and remove unused plugins.

    Monitor site security for attacks or issues.

    Maintain server health including PHP.

    Priority availability in case of attacks.

    Routinely test site code for security bugs and loopholes.

    You ask, we answer.