Consistent blog management is a lot of work. From idea creation to promotion, we've gathered some tips to make the entire process easier.

Blog Management – Why Should You Hire a VA

Consistent blog management is a lot of work. Writing great content that bring in a steady stream of viewers and new prospects or leads is just the beginning. There’s ensuring you have enough content ready for the upcoming weeks, generating new topic ideas, posting and then making sure it gets viewed. Now imagine how much harder it becomes while managing your business.

Of course, in the beginning, blog management might be easy. This could be due to motivation, excitement or free time from the lack of clients. However, what happens when motivation dies out or you’ve suddenly picked up numerous new clients? Typically the blog is the first thing to suffer. You go from posting once a week, to once every couple of weeks to once a month. Eventually, it becomes whenever you ‘have time’, or, in other words, never…

Why Are Blogs Important?

There are many reasons businesses should have a blog. It’s important to help build brand awareness, establish yourself as an industry leader, build a better and stronger relationship with clients or potential clients and help you rank high on Google by providing more visibility.

Blog Management the VA Way

So how can you run a successful blog and also build and maintain a successful business?

This is where a virtual assistant can help with blog management. Whether you are just starting out or running a content machine, a virtual assistant can contribute and make your blog far more successful. There’s also a great side benefit. Less work and stress!

How can a Virtual Assistant Help?


You may love the idea of writing the posts yourself. It keeps the tone in your own voice and keeps expenses down when you are first getting started. However, you may be suffering from chronic writer’s block. A virtual assistant can take some time to research important topics and keywords or phrases in your area of expertise. This provides you a great place to start with a virtual assistant for blog management.


Perhaps you have the opposite problem in that you have a lot of great ideas but no time. It’s also possible that writing just isn’t your thing. Hire a virtual assistant to be your content writer. You can either offer to publish the articles under their name or have them ghost write on your behalf.


Formatting each blog post can take 30 minutes to an hour each week. It requires finding and editing the best images, making sure the post is SEO optimized and the text is formatted for readability. If you have better things to do, this can be very tedious work. Work with a virtual assistant that specializes in SEO optimization for this stage of blog management.

If You Write It, They Will Come

If only this were true. Unfortunately, you could have written an award winning article but if no one knows it’s there, no one will read it. Once your articles are posted on your blog, it’s critical to let people know. Use your virtual assistant team to promote your blog post on social media and in your newsletter on a consistent basis to improve the chances that people will find it.

Getting More Bang

To get the most out of the content you or your team has created, consider using your virtual team to turn it into additional pieces of content. This might include an infographic, a video, an audio or just several different pieces of social media content. The more ways you can use the same content, the less often you have to create new content.

Blog management doesn’t have to end with a single task. Hire one or more virtual assistants to do any or all of these various parts.

Pro Tip: Use a content calendar to coordinate the ideas shared with whomever will be writing and/or promoting your articles for a cohesive blog management system.

You can utilize a virtual assistant in different stages for your blog. In the beginning, you might only need them to generate a year’s worth of content ideas. Once writing these become a hassle or even a chore, ask them to begin writing for you.

Consistent blog management is a lot of work. From idea creation to promotion, we've gathered some tips to make the entire process easier.

Did You Know?

You can hire several different virtual assistants, each who specializes in something different. This is the best blog management strategy. Find a virtual assistant for content writing, one for content promotion or ‘growth hacking’ and watch your blog grow.

Give your virtual assistant a little more freedom and allow them to manage your social media. By managing both the blog and social media they are able to effectively market your content. Driving more traffic to your website leading to more leads.

Maintenance is Key

Writing, idea generation and social media management aren’t all a virtual assistant can do for your blog. Maintaining your blog is crucial element many overlook, backups, security updates are important to prevent hackers.

Fighting spam is another issue that virtual assistants can help with, ensure comments don’t come from bots or someone spamming links.

Final Thoughts

All these little tasks added up become one big task. While in the early stages you can maintain both blog and business, start small with one or two blog management tasks. This allows more time to focus on the growth of your business. Time is money, so spend your time on aspects that generate the most income.

We’ve taken the time to screen multiple different virtual assistants. Ensuring we only have the high-quality assistants you can find. From writers to social media managers, allow Virtual A Team to assist you in your blog management.

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