boost attendance

5 Fantastic Ways To Boost Attendance For Coaching Programs

By Staff Writer


As a coach or consultant, you most likely create programs designed to draw in new and returning clients.

Whether designed for groups or individuals, you provided needed advice and other offers for your audience.

However, as anyone knows, the biggest hurdle is getting people to register. Afterall, teaching requires students, right?

While you can make social media posts or advertise it on your website, sometimes that’s not enough. 

So, what do you do if the ‘traditional’ ways to get butts in seats aren’t working?

empty classroom

When you’re struggling to boost attendance you’re going to have to reach out to people in different ways.

Here’s five fantastic (and super effective) ways to help you to share the value your programs offer and attract more people to register for your coaching or consulting programs.

Make Calls

Ok, stay with us here. We know that picking up the phone and calling people may be a little uncomfortable for some.

We’ve become accustomed to reaching out via emails and text messages.

While it’s true that written communication allows you to plan out what you will say, making calls provides other benefits we simply can’t ignore.

Making a phone call allows for a two-way conversation.

You have the opportunity to personally interact with people. You get to build or deepen relationships and find out what is happening in their lives. 

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Valuable Conversations

Understanding where your clients are at will help you 

  • Design better programs around your client's needs
  • Gain insight as to why they may not be signing up (time, fear, money)
  • Increase your odds for registrations and referrals

Moreover, those personal interactions will help your clients more fully understand how the program can benefit them, on a personal level. 

All that said, don’t just pick up the phone and start dialing. 

  • Make a plan. 
  • Be strategic. 
  • Draft a loose script but stay open to letting the conversation flow.


Start by reaching out to those that you already formed a relationship with. Previous clients, prospective customers, and anyone else that you know who would be interested in your program.

If Not You, Then Who?

Even if the person says no, don’t be afraid to ask if they can think of anyone that could benefit from the program you’re offering. 

When you get a referral, always ask the person the best way to reach out to their colleague, friend, or family member. 

Referrals can mean more butts in seats but even more valuable is they grow your audience and allow you to reach people you would not have been able to otherwise. 

If you’re still saying, “Umm, yeah. This introvert will never be comfortable with making calls.” That’s ok.

Even though calling is about relationship building, this is something you can delegate.

Believe it or not, there are people out there that love this stuff; it’s their zone of genius!

If you don't feel comfortable making these phone calls, you might want to enlist some help from a super outgoing virtual assistant skilled at relationship marketing to handle them for you.

Send Personal Emails

Automation is a huge time-saver. We are strong supporters of automating everything you possibly can. However, every blessing can also be a curse. 

Spam folders coupled with everyone’s overwhelm with coupon after coupon means it’s a bit tougher to stand out in your client’s inbox. 

This means that you take the time to write the personal emails to your key contacts. From you, to them.

Pro Tip

Put something personal in the subject line to help them know you pay attention to them and that this is not just another ‘because you signed up for’ kind of email. “Hi, Lucy! How did your DIY project turn out?” or “Hi Lucy! I would love to catch up with you.”

Relate Appropriately

For example, if you have a strictly professional relationship, then you can use a professional tone and style.

However, if you are acquaintances, then use a more friendly and approachable tone. This further communicates to the receiver that this is indeed a personal email especially for them. 

In short, strive to relate to the individual recipient.

Keeping the receiver in mind and communicating that you took time to reach out and that you care can deliver a great return on your time investment. 

Again, be strategic with these.

Make a list of people in your direct circle of influence that would be interested in your program, offer you valuable feedback, or would be strong supporters with qualified referral leads.

Create an Online Presence

Phone calls and writing personal emails are effective but you’re going to need a way to reach people with a wider sweep. 

Videos and live social media posts are a great way to get your message out in an interactive way. 

show personality

Show Personality!

  • Create a video that explains the program and how it can benefit potential users.
  • Go ‘live’ at the start of your promotion and right before registration ends (a few times in between won’t hurt either) to allow people to ask personal questions and to build excitement and value for your program. 
  • Create a video showing any handouts or materials they will be getting with the program; their take-aways. 
  • Use personal pictures, not just stock images. Show people what your program will offer them. 

These visual, interactive, and connection-based posts help your potential clients process information more easily and helps them relate better to the content and messages that you share with them.

Don’t stop there. Make sure you’re commenting and responding to people on your social channels. This will help your customers develop more trust and interest in your offers and programs.

In short, use images and videos to easily invite people to register for your programs in a creative way.

Appear on Podcasts

Join in on podcasts in your niche to spread brand awareness.

This is a great way to grow your audience, help people find out about you, and connect with more potential clients. If you’re really loving this idea, check out this article on being a podcast guest.

appear on podcast

Being a guest on a podcast is the perfect opportunity to share your program while you discuss interesting topics with like-minded people.

If you land a podcast guest spot, focus on sharing interesting points of view or content during the podcast to catch the attention of listeners.

It’s not only about plugging your program it’s about building credibility, allowing people to get to know you, and feel comfortable with you. 

Contribute to Attract

Join high-quality podcasts that fit your audience. This way, you can attract the right people to join your coaching programs while contributing valuable content to the podcast itself. The result? 

  • Gain more traction, attention and interactions for your program.
  • Draw in high-quality customers potential clients.
  • Build your know-like-trust factor with a wide reach

Showing up as a guest on a podcast allows you to draw in more customers, make them feel comfortable and spread your program to potential clients.

boost attendancePay for Ads

Sometimes you need a little dough to get a rise in attendance. 

Puns aside, paying for ads remains an excellent way to get more people to register for your programs.

Even with a small budget, paid ads allow you to share your programs with people that may have an interest in them.

This is where metrics and algorithms become your friend.

For example, if you offer life coaching, then the algorithm will aim for people that would be most open to your services.

Target the Right People

Whether you pay to...

  • Boost a post.
  • Run a social media ad campaign,
  • or opt for the pay-per-click model (you pay a website for every person that clicks on your ads)

you’re drawing the attention of specific people who would be most interested in your brand. 

Paying for ads can help put butts in seats while growing your list.

Bonus benefits are building brand awareness, driving more traffic to your website, and helping people find you when they are asking the search engines questions that you can answer. 

We sound like a broken record but if you’re going to put your hard-earned money on the line make sure to spend some serious time designing and implementing ads for your programs.

Mirror Your Model

In conclusion, if the traditional ways of program promotion are not filling your virtual classroom seats give one (or all) of these ideas a try to help you stand out.

Track your data so you can determine which method or combination of methods works the best to attract your ideal client. 

Always be expanding your overall reach.

Don’t stop if the traditional methods aren’t producing the results you’re looking for.

At the end of the day, coaching and consulting is a deeply personal business model, let your marketing strategies mirror that. 

As you do, you’re likely to see more butts in seats and more dough on your bottom line.  

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