Why ROI Matters and How to Show it in Your Coaching Business

As a coach do you need a coach? Today host Nicole Bandes is joined by Kim Ades of Frame of Mind Coaching. Kim is passionate about leaving a lasting change in her coaching clients and has tips on how to make that happen. They'll cover overcoming the top coaching challenges; specifically how to demonstrate the ROI of your coaching!

Key Takeaways from this Episode:

  • Investing in your own growth is essential
  • Leaving an imprint as a coach
  • The power of journaling

About Our Guest:

Kim Ades (pronounced add-iss) is the President and Founder of Frame of Mind Coaching™. Recognized as an expert in the area of thought mastery and mental toughness, Kim uses her unique philosophy and quirky coaching style to help leaders shift their thinking in order to yield extraordinary results. Author, speaker, entrepreneur, coach, and mom of five, Kim's claim to fame is teaching her powerful Frame of Mind Coaching™ process to influencers worldwide.

Connect with Kim






Links & Resources Mentioned in this Episode:

Book a complimentary call with Kim

Inflight tip: Delegate and ditch the frog!

Virtual A Team delegating calculator

Journal your response to these prompts and email them to Kim (kim@frameofmindcoaching.com) for her feedback. Here they are:
1) What do I really, really want more than anything? 
2) What is preventing me from having it right now?

Still have questions about this topic?

Join us in our free private group - Coach's Copilot Hanger - to dive deeper into the topics we share on every episode.

Would you like to be a guest?

We are looking for guests for our shows. If you would like to be coached in a hot seat or have a topic you think would benefit our audience, apply to be on the show here.

And, if you like what you heard, be sure to Subscribe!

Coach's Copilot: Your Online Business Manager Podcast
Coach's Copilot: Your Online Business Manager Podcast
Virtual A Team

Are you struggling to build a successful coaching business without burning the candle at both ends? Do you wish you had a copilot or business manager that could help you handle the details so you could focus on the things that only you can do? On this show, Nicole Bandes and her team of experts will serve as your coaching copilots. We will share tips, tricks, and strategies that focus on marketing, outsourcing, productivity, and more! Whether your goal is to grow your business, have a business that’s built around your life, or both; Coach’s Copilot: Your Online Business Manager Podcast will help you manage the details to make it happen.

The Ultimate Guide to Delegating